Archives for April 1, 2024

February 12th 2024 Council Minutes

Hanska City Council – Regular Meeting

February 12th 2024

6pm – Hanska Community Center

Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Vee at 6:00pm. Members present Vee, Kjelshus, Geiger and Larson. Members absent: Miller

City Clerk Moldan, Public Works Tauer.

Citizens, None in attendance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Geiger moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kjelshus. Motion passed.

Open Citizens Comments: None

Geiger moved to approve minutes from the January 8th 2024 meeting. Seconded by Larson. Motion passed

Larson moved to approve City claims. Seconded by Geiger. Motion passed.

Library – Kjelshus gave the report. Anne Grunert resigned from the Hanska library board. The board is down to 3 members. Ian Kjelshus will fill in as a voting member until new members can be appointed. Armstrong Boulevard Brass Quintet is scheduled for Saturday February 24th 4:00-5:00pm at the community center. Meat and cheese tray was donated by LaSalle Meats, Sweet Sisters treats donated by Thrivent. Angela Pick is working on a grant to replace the heating and AC. Friends of the Hanska Library registered as a nonprofit, waiting on the 501c3, will be opening up a checking account. Randy has not returned calls about finishing the painting in the library.

Fire Department- Larson gave an update.

Public works- Tauer asked about purchasing a bulk water meter to use when companies buy water from the city. Tauer said one company in 2023 did not keep track and let the city know how much water they used. Kjelshus said if it’s only been an issue this one time does it pay to buy a meter, Larson and Geiger agreed. Geiger said it would take a lot of water to cover the cost of the meter. Tauer will not purchase a bulk meter.

City Clerk Moldan – Clerk has been working on the BCA fingerprint audit, clerk presented MN BCA policy for council to adopt. City Clerk Class May 6-10th St Cloud. Will be attending the annual fire and ambulance meeting in Madelia February 27th 6:30pm. Clerk asked council if they would like her to put a budget summary in the paper, council said no. Letter was sent to a city resident after getting complaints about them feeding stray cats. Randy Geiger’s dog is still at his house, clerk will follow up on this. Clerk asked to hire summer help, council said yes. City Wide Clean Up date, May 23rd-25th back up date May 30th-June 1st. Clerk has been working on the 4th of July event. Dain’s Dutchmen is a 4–5-piece band cost of $700.00-$800.00, they could possibly do it for $500.00. Last Chance Saloon will take care of food. Dark Horse Band 7:00-10:00pm, waiting to hear from Brent Christensen mini donuts. Clerk asked if the city would still do the Hanska Night Out, council said it was to close together to have 2 events and to only have the 4th of July event.

Council: Vee talked about when he and council member Geiger went door to door with letters to residents about the conditions of their yards, only one person cleaned up their yard. Vee wants to know what the next step should be, what can the city do? Vee sends pictures to landlords to try and get them to clean up the yards. Geiger said the city would have to spend money on the next steps. Larson said do we spend a $1,000.00 to make $200.00 off a fine?

Geiger made a motion to adjourn, Larson seconded, meeting was adjourned at 7:22pm

_______________________________ __________________________________

Attest: City Clerk, Cinnamon Moldan Mayor, Daniel Vee