City Council Minutes 7.10.23

Hanska City Council – Regular Meeting

July 10th, 2023

6pm – Hanska Community Center

Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Vee at 6:00pm. Members present Vee, Geiger, Miller, Kjelshus, and Larson. Members absent: None

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Geiger moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Larson. Motion passed.

Open Citizens Comments: 5 citizens in attendance Sagstetter’s, Rohlik and Hensch’s. Sagstetter’s owns 103 W Blessum Parcel ID 00702400701011, they would like to purchase 10 feet of city property. A small portion of their shed is on city property they would also like to pave the driveway. Mayor Vee said to start with a land survey, at this time council doesn’t see any issues with selling the land but needs the survey. Tauer said there is an old well on the city land they want to purchase. Clerk stated they city would need the footage of the land to set a price. Sagstetter’s asked who the city used for surveying Vee and Clerk said Bolton and Menk. Hensch thanked the city for putting council minutes on the city website. Hensch asked about the budget being posted, clerk said she would have to check into that, Hensch also asked about city ordinances at the library. Hensch informed the city that the REA has grants available. Hensch asked why property taxes went up, clerk stated due to Summit Street project and overall price increase to the cities budget. Hensch brought up concerns about garbage cans being on the street, Rohlik asked if the city would make ordinances about parking on the street, Vee said no it should be common sense that you don’t park by the garbage cans on garbage day. Rohlik and Hensch brought up that the city clerk said there was a fee for data request fee, they stated that there are state statutes that the city can’t charge for data requests. Hensch asked about the city increasing water and sewer rates 9.00 in one year. Clerk stated there was a 3.00 water and 3.00 sewer increase in 2022 and an increase in July 2023. The rate increase is based on the city auditors report that was given at the June meeting; Hensch was in attendance at that meeting.

Kjelshus moved to approve minutes from June 12th meeting. Seconded by Geiger. Motion passed

Miller moved to approve City and Muni claims. Seconded by Geiger. Motion passed.

Muni – Garth Carlson is challenging the sale of the MUNI, clerk sent the email on to the city attorney, he has tried calling Garth no answer. Clerk stated two of the main issues Garth has is the winner didn’t put money down, clerk has a $10,000 check from them. Garth also stated they are not paying closing costs, clerk stated they are paying all closing costs, Jenna and Mike said that during the meeting. Geiger said that it was stated at the meeting before bids were opened the council would not just take the highest bid and would pick the bid that is best for the city, clerk said that is correct it’s in the minutes. City attorney has sent over the purchase agreement and needs more information from the buyer.

Library- Amy and Clerk gave update. Insurance company has denied the claim on the roof. Clerk attached report to council packet. Damages not covered: The cost to repair or replace faulty workmanship, materials, construction or design. Damages caused by: Rust, corrosion, decay, deterioration, defect, settling or shrinking wear and tear. There are two bids to replace the roof and one bid to repair the inside. Mike Hanson Roofing came in at 16,240 for just the roof. Netzke Construction came in at 11,434.74 for the roof and inside. Miller asked if the bids are comparable, Tauer said they looked comparable. Netzkes bid included putting the overhang back on and OSB under the tin. Larson said the overhang should not be put back on, Larson also stated he thinks putting down OSB was a good Idea council agreed. Library board made a motion on July 5th to use the 13,831.67 in the building fund to replace the roof. Larson made a motion to award the bid to Netzke construction. Seconded by Miller Motion passed, bid awarded to Netzke Construction.

Fire Department- Larson gave update. Checkbook balance is 75,103.06, invoices paid, REA 124.00, NUVERA 45.00, Hanska Repair 1124.99, Adapt Health 111.86, they are looking into the bill at Adapt Health FD didn’t get charged for tank rental before. Work on the concrete slab has started, concrete will be poured July 11th. FD removed old concrete saving the FD 3500.00. FD is sending members to help at the Brown County Fair tractor pull in August. CRC and CoBank are donating 5,000 to the FD to use for equipment. Possibly getting internet donated by NUVERA. 2 trucks went to the Madelia parade on July 7th. Next meeting is July 17th at 5:45.

Public works- Tauer gave the update. Empire Pipe jetted out storm sewer and placed a camera in two lines. A resident had called and said their yard had a dip in it. Empire Pipe found no issues with the line. Tauer has been working on EDA #4 this apartment is vacant as of June 30th. Previous tenant left some damage. Living room carpet has to be replaced, full of stains and strong odor, two ceiling fans, storm door, blinds have to be replaced. Apartment needs to be painted and shower was left dirty. Vee asked if they city can get any more money for damage, Geiger said to cut the loss the city can’t keep spending money to try and get money. Travis is going to call MR Paving to get estimates to repair the payment by the fire station and the water main break on Viking Ave.

City Clerk- 8 water shut offs were sent out in July. Clerk submitted the Southern MN Small Town Cities grant for the community center the grants will be awarded by August 13th, this is up to a $10,000 matching grant. Clerk prepaid for 3,600 gallons of LP at $1.58 per gallon. Clerk found a grant through LMC and MN Historical Society and is looking into and if the city can apply for them. Clerk found a fitness equipment grant for the park the city match was too high to apply for the grant. EDA #4 tenant is out and wanted their damage deposit back, they were told no due to damage in the apartment. The new water and sewer rates took effect on the June 30th billing. Rates are: Water base 30.90, 3.20 per 1000 gallons, sewer base 16.54 1.60 per 1000 gallons. City received 1875.00 in fireworks donations. Donations requests were sent out for Hanska Night Out. Clerk brought the numbers for alley maintenance. 2206.58 just on gravel, this does not include the cost of fuel for the dump truck, tractor and Kubota, or the wear and tear on the equipment. These numbers had been asked for at the June 12th 2023 meeting. Clerk asked the council what they thought about lighting up the park for Christmas, council liked the idea. Clerk will see if she can get donations of lights for the park.

Geiger made a motion to approve Resolution #2023-6 A Resolution Accepting Donations from Residents and Business 4th of July and BC Flowers. Seconded by Larson. Motion Passed

Miller made a motion to approve Resolution #2023-7 A Resolution Approving Updated Building Permit Fee Schedule. Seconded by Geiger. Motion Passed.

Council – Larson said the legs on the score board are bad wood rot and should be replaced. Miller asked who was paying for the year end party for T-ball, Kjelshus said to take it out of the baseball fund. Geiger asked about the dog that bit a little girl and if the city has any responsibility, the parents of the girl do not want to press charges or see the dog put down. Clerk said the responsibility would be on the owner and should have insurance, the family of the little girls needs to be the one to file a report and have the dog marked as aggressive. Vee talked about the issues with recycling blowing all over, a resident sent in pictures recycling laying in the ditch. Vee was going to talk to RVS and the county again to see if anything can be done.

Kjelshus made a motion to adjourn, Larson seconded, meeting was adjourned at 7:22pm

_Cinnamon Moldan_______ _______Daniel Vee_____________

Attest: City Clerk, Cinnamon Moldan Mayor, Daniel Vee