Council Minutes 10.9.23

Hanska City Council – Regular Meeting

October 9th 2023

6pm – Hanska Community Center

Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Vee at 6:00pm. Members present Vee, Geiger, Miller, Kjelshus, and Larson. Members absent: None

City Clerk Moldan and Public Works Tauer present.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Geiger moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Larson. Motion passed.

Open Citizens Comments: None in attendance.

Travis Winter from Bolton and Menk was in attendance. Clerk has been looking into grants for the city. City well needs to be replaced, water tower needs to be rehabbed or replaced along with other street projects. Winter came to talk about possible grant opportunities for the well, water tower, water treatment, and water main projects. Winter said the best option for the city would be to go after a USDA grant. By doing this the city could apply for a grant to complete all of these projects at once. USDA grants look at the cities upcoming projects for the next 40 years. The city is looking at doing Rail Road street in the next few years as a bond project, by going after the USDA grant the city can max out the debt (cost of one street project) and get the remainder of the projects covered by the grant. Winter said it can take up to 2 years for the grant paperwork and the cost is around $40,000 to complete the paperwork. If the grant is awarded the $40,000 will be covered by the grant. Winter said the cost to sandblast and paint the water tower is about $600,000 the cost to replace it is around a $1,000,000. Water treatment plant is around $5,000,000. USDA interest rates are below market value at a 40-year loan. Geiger thinks this a good option for the city but doesn’t want to spend $40,000 and a new council doesn’t continue the project. Miller – the water tower should be fixed before it gets worse. Kjelshus – it doesn’t make sense to paint the water tower. Larson asked if the water tower starts leaking can it be repaired? Tauer said yes.

Geiger made the motion to hire Bolton and Menk to start the paperwork for the USDA Grant. Seconded by Larson. Roll call made: Larson Yes, Kjelshus Yes, Miller Yes, Geiger Yes motion passed. Motion Passed.

Miller moved to approve minutes from September 11th 2023 meeting. Seconded by Geiger. Motion passed

Larson moved to approve City and Muni claims. Seconded by Miller. Motion passed.

Muni – Clerk presented Resolution #2023-11

Kjelshus made a motion to approve Resolution #2023-11 Transferring Fund Balances MUNI Checking and Savings to City General Savings. Seconded by Miller. Roll call made: Larson Yes, Kjelshus Yes, Miller Yes, Geiger Yes. Motion Passed.

Library-Kjelshus gave the update. Roof is done, sheetrock is up waiting on mudding and taping. Board went over the spaghetti dinner on Saturday October 21st. Keith hasn’t said anything about the roof next to library after the extension was taken off. Clerk was also at the meeting and went over the 2024 budget, and let the board know that city council said they would not be funding the library after 2024, the board needs to look into other funding options to keep the library going.

Fire Department- Larson gave update. Checkbook balance $60,169.16. Paid invoices: REA $233.00, NUVERA $48.02, Hanska Repair $1,370.40, Hanska C-Store $477.90, Heiman Fire $56.72, Isaacson Sales $16,995.00 Received check from the city for state fire aid. Gutters will be installed on the West side of the building, cost $1,500.00 Larson got a quote for $5,300.00 to paint the fire station, looking for other quotes.

Public works- Tauer gave the update. Working on installing remaining water meters. Stabbur has been pressured washed, if there is a warm day yet Tauer will stain the Stabbur.

City Clerk- Moldan said the health insurance premium came in lower for 2024 than budgeted and asked if dental insurance could be added at a cost of $84.00 per month. Council members said yes to adding dental insurance for Tauer and Moldan starting January 2024. Moldan said Columbus Day is a Federal Holiday but not a state holiday some cities observe this holiday and the city needs to state if this is a holiday the city observes? Geiger said with it always being the 2nd Monday in October and council meeting falling on the same day the city should not observe this day, council members agreed. Moldan is working with Andy from Engan Associates on grants for the community center. Moldan had the cost to put up fence where the batters eye was, $12,684.00 this is covered by insurance. Kjelshus made a motion to approve the fence. Seconded by Larson. Motion passed. Randy Netzke wants half down to start the community center, clerk will cut a check for $12,270.00. Insurance is still working on the sewer pond claims. Brown County Sherrif sent the cost to contract for policing in Hanska, cost is $96.63 per hour.

Council: Miller said the Women of Today donate flags for Broadway. Larson will get a stump grinder for the park when they are in at work.

Geiger made a motion to adjourn, Larson seconded, meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm

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Attest: City Clerk, Cinnamon Moldan Mayor, Daniel Vee