Council Minutes 5.9.22

Hanska City Council – Regular Meeting

May 9th, 2022

6pm – Hanska Community Center

Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Vee at 5:56pm. Members present: Vee, Geiger, Miller, Strom, and Larson. Members absent: None

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Geiger moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Strom. Motion passed.

Larson moved to approve minutes from April 11th meeting. Seconded by Miller. Motion passed

Larson moved to approve City and Muni claims. Seconded by Strom. Motion passed.

Hanska Baseball association submitted a renewal of Liquor License. The Council approved this license through September 30th, 2022

Muni- Kate is stepping up and all council members were in favor of giving her an increase of pay. The council approved to have specials and snacks at the Muni on Friday, May 27th from 4-7pm. Special will be $3 light tap beers and rail drinks. There have been no new applications for the manager position.

Library- We are losing our Librarian mid-June. $1700 was made on silent auction at the Spring Fling event. There is a $3000 cost for delivery of books back and forth between libraries, so the board will decide what should be done with that in the future. Ann Grunet asked to join the library board. All council members were in favor of her joining. The board is talking about a spaghetti feed fundraiser for this fall.

Public works- Quality flow need new pump for pump station on Railway Ave. Cost will be $7881 for the new one. This money will come out of sewer fund. The guy who was teaching Travis how to install new water meters realized we needed 50 more meters to be replaced in order to work with the new system above the 50 meters that were already purchased. All members were in favor to have Travis order 50 more meters. Hanska is on the lower end for water base fees, the council will look into and discuss this more at the next meeting. Disconnect notices were sent out.

City Clerk- council approved the MN Pay Equity Management System to be sent into the state. Fireworks went up to $7200. All approved to have Fireworks on July 4th.

Open- Vee got quotes to put up a fence between community center stairs. Fence would be 6 feet and new landscaping would be put in front of the fence. Will discuss more at the next meeting. Vee talked to Planning and Zoning about moving the recycling bins. They will talk about options at their next meeting and get back to Vee. There was a crew patching the walls at the Bank, Vee asked them about the community center stairs. They are working on getting a quote to him.

Strom made a motion to adjourn, Larson seconded, meeting was adjourned at 6:31pm

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Attest: City Clerk, Cinnamon Moldan Mayor, Daniel Vee