Council Minutes 7.11.22

Hanska City Council – Regular Meeting

July 11th, 2022

6pm – Hanska Community Center

Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Vee at 6:00pm. Members present: Vee, Geiger, Miller, Strom, and Larson. Members absent: None

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Geiger moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Miller. Motion passed.

Matthew Cole from Bolton & Menk – 4th pay request was sent for $136,778.00, final pay request will come in August. Sod has not hit 30 days, after 30 days a final walk-through will be done, and contract will be closed if there are no issues. After the final contract is closed there is a 2-year warranty. Job is $31,000 over the AS BID price, still within the 5% contingency. Final assessments will be done and public hearing will be scheduled. Cole will follow up on two different issues with City Residents. First issue a resident says water was sprayed into her open car. Second issue a resident says mud and water backed up into their basement.

Don Grams – Grams was representing the Zion Lutheran Church. Zion Church would like to have the alley paved. Cole from Bolton & Menk said they had done an estimate in 2016, Cole would update estimate and send to clerk. City does not have funds to pay for alley, City would have to look at ordinances and see about doing assessments.

Larson moved to approve minutes from June 13th and June 29th emergency meeting. Seconded by Strom. Motion passed

Larson moved to approve City and Muni claims. Seconded by Miller. Motion passed.

Muni- Katie MUNI manager was present. New bartenders have all started, (Toni, Baylee and Dan). Katie is still looking for 1-2 more bartenders. Once bar is fully staffed manager would like to get a food license. Katie was been looking for DJs for a Halloween party. Cheapest one is $700.00, Larson and Geiger gave names of other DJs. Katie would like to get old pictures of MUNI and hang them up in the bar. 4th of July went well, most of the Jell-O shots sold, only about half of the cherries. Manager found an old MUNI logo and would like to get new MUNI clothing to sell.

Library- 2 interviews were done, Wendy McCarthy accepted the job as library director position. McCarty has been working on writing a grant. McCarthy wants the door painted, Anne Grunert said she would paint an open book on the door, Grunert will donate her time and supplies. Library board wants to add a cement slab for outdoor activities. Council brought up moving the gazebo from the park to the library.

Public works- Maguire Iron cleaned the Water tower, after the cleaning the plug was leaking. Maguire Iron will be back to replace the plug. Rocks had been dug out in front of EDA #2 due to bugs, Tauer will replace all rock. Tauer put up a camera by recycle bins, there have been no issues. If Tauer finds any items placed in recycling that shouldn’t be and has a good picture, the pictures can be turned over to planning and zoning. Planning and Zoning will turn the picture(s) over to Brown County Attorney.

City Clerk- Clerk sent out two water shut offs. One person is on a payment plan, missed 7/8/22 payment, if they don’t make a double payment on 7/15/22 water will be shut off.

Open- Vee brought up a veteran’s memorial park. A plaque, bench or stone could be placed there. Larson brought up moving the gazabo from the park to the open lot next to the library. Tauer will get bids for cement.

Strom made a motion to adjourn, Geiger seconded, meeting was adjourned at 7:03pm

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Attest: City Clerk, Cinnamon Moldan Mayor, Daniel Vee