December 11th 2023

Hanska City Council – Regular Meeting

December 11th 2023

6pm – Hanska Community Center

Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Vee at 6:00pm. Members present Vee, Miller, Kjelshus, Geiger and Larson. Members absent: None

City Clerk Moldan, Public Works Tauer and Library Director Byro were present.

Citizens, none in attendance.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Miller moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Geiger. Motion passed.

Open Citizens Comments: None in attendance.

Geiger moved to approve minutes from the November 13th 2023 meeting. Seconded by Larson. Motion passed

Miller moved to approve City claims. Seconded by Larson. Motion passed.

Library – Larson gave update. Board interviewed Angela Pick for board position, Pick has a background in publishing and would be a good fit for the board.

Geiger made the motion to approve Angela Pick for the Hanska Community Library Board. Larson seconded the motion. Motion passed. Amy will inform Angela.

There will be a kid’s night out activity and preschool story time. Amy will send letters to the three townships asking for additional funding.

Fire Department- Larson gave an update. Fire Department approved Mikale Gustafson as fire chief, Cory Fischer assistant chief, Travis Tauer as second assistant.

Larson made the motion approving Mikale Gustafson as fire chief, Cory Fischer assistant chief, Travis Tauer as second assistant. Geiger seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Fire Dept sold an old truck for $4000.00, Travis loaded it up. Fire Dept is still looking for a replacement truck, Sleepy Eye is purchasing a new truck and will be selling a 2005 model.

Public works- Tauer gave the update. Street sweeping is done, fire hydrants are flushed.

City Clerk Moldan – Clerk presented Resolutions #2023-12 ,13, 14 and 15

Miller made a motion to approve Resolution #2023-12 Granting Liquor License to Mark Cooling at Last Chance Saloon. Seconded by Kjelshus. Roll call made: Larson Yes, Kjelshus Yes, Miller Yes, Geiger Yes. Motion Passed.

Larson made a motion to approve Resolution #2023-13 Granting Liquor License to Jenna Helget and Michael Rezac at The Nine-One Bar. Seconded by Miller. Roll call made: Larson Yes, Kjelshus Yes, Miller Yes, Geiger Yes. Motion Passed.

Geiger made a motion to approve Resolution #2023-14 Approving the year 2023 Tax Levy Collectible in the Year 2024. Seconded by Kjelshus. Roll call made: Larson Yes, Kjelshus Yes, Miller Yes, Geiger Yes. Motion Passed.

Miller made a motion to approve Resolution #2023-52 Adopting a Background Check Policy for The City of Hanska. Seconded by Geiger. Roll call made: Larson Yes, Kjelshus Yes, Miller Yes, Geiger Yes. Motion Passed.

Moldan said that to close the library it would need to go on the 2024 ballot, clerk is going to look into more laws on this. Moldan said with ESSL law another change needs to be made to the employee handbook. The city can front load 40 hours of sick time or the full 80 hours. Front loaded 40 hours do need to be paid out on the last paycheck of the year if they are not used. If 80 hours are front loaded an employee could take off the last two weeks of the year and the first two weeks of the new year. If 80 hours are front loaded and not used the city would have to pay out 40 hours on the last paycheck of the year. Larson made the motion to front load 40 hours. Seconded by Geiger. Motion passed. Moldan purchased new accounting software through the MN state auditor’s office, this was a onetime cost vs the yearly fee of QuickBooks.

Council: Vee talked to Geiger about his dog needing to be rehomed outside of city limits but wants a time line set. Clerk will send a letter giving Geiger to December 31st to rehome the dog, city will need proof of this. Money has been paid back to the city for Stabbur stain. Brain Fortwengler informed Vee he is thinking about selling the school building, city could possibly get the corner lot of Summit Ave and West 4th St for future city projects.

Geiger made a motion to adjourn, Larson seconded, meeting was adjourned at 6:47pm

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Attest: City Clerk, Cinnamon Moldan Mayor, Daniel Vee